Free taster workshop

Could your team’s client communications be more effective?

Join us for a free Zoom workshop, ‘Adjust your communication style to build great relationships’ on 21st/22nd November 2024. Get great results with clients every time.

The taster session is free, you'll learn something new and you'll get a feel for how the programme works. We'll have lots of agency/consultancy leaders attend. So you'll be in good company and will meet people facing similar challenges to you.

What you'll learn on our programme


Inspire your clients everyday

Influence, persuade and show true leadership to clients, selling in your work to stakeholders at all levels

You’ll learn all the ins-and-outs of our exclusive leadership and communication frameworks. There’s not much theory here – we focus on the practical and relevant things you need to do when working in a fast-paced client-facing environment.

We’ll teach you all the best practices in our frameworks and give you loads of opportunities to practice in a safe environment. We’ll give you the confidence to be powerful leaders to clients, influencing and getting them to buy-in to what you’re saying.


Make clients & teammates feel like heroes

Bring out the very best in everyone around you, working seamlessly together to achieve amazing outcomes

You’ll learn to bring out the best in everyone around you, working seamlessly together to achieve amazing outcomes. Team success depends on everyone bringing their A-game – and you can make this happen.

We’ll give you all the tools you need to avoid compromise and negotiate win-win outcomes; to create psychological safety for you, your team and clients; and to build up rapport with clients so they feel you truly understand them.


Develop a powerful mindset

Feel unstoppable and take responsibility for your deliverables and client relationships in a way you’ve never done before

You’ll learn to think powerfully so you can solve any problem. Watch your performance and enjoyment levels soar as you take 100% ownership of day-to-day challenges and actions.

We’ll build up your resilience so knock-backs feel like learning opportunities; get your empathy skills working on overdrive so you can always see things from other people’s perspectives; and get you able to reframe any situation so you can build up your resilience.

You’ll learn all the ins-and-outs of our exclusive leadership and communication frameworks. There’s not much theory here – we focus on the practical and relevant things you need to do when working in a fast-paced client-facing environment.

We’ll teach you all the best practices in our frameworks and give you loads of opportunities to practice in a safe environment. We’ll give you the confidence to be powerful leaders to clients, influencing and getting them to buy-in to what you’re saying.

You’ll learn to bring out the best in everyone around you, working seamlessly together to achieve amazing outcomes. Team success depends on everyone bringing their A-game – and you can make this happen.

We’ll give you all the tools you need to avoid compromise and negotiate win-win outcomes; to create psychological safety for you, your team and clients; and to build up rapport with clients so they feel you truly understand them.

You’ll learn to think powerfully so you can solve any problem. Watch your performance and enjoyment levels soar as you take 100% ownership of day-to-day challenges and actions.

We’ll build up your resilience so knock-backs feel like learning opportunities; get your empathy skills working on overdrive so you can always see things from other people’s perspectives; and get you able to reframe any situation so you can build up your resilience.

Our programme is based on our bestselling book, Human Powered. It's designed for client-facing teams where everyone is flat out ALL of the time. The impact is high and the time commitment is low. When we first launched it, revenue from existing clients increased by 35%.

How you’ll learn

Our People Skills As A Service® programme embeds emotional intelligence and self-awareness across your team and its leaders. We're currently tracking at a 47% skills improvement.


Short workshops

A one-hour interactive session every 2 weeks, for your entire team. Focus on one skill per session, with lots of practice and group work.


Leadership coaching

One-to-one monthly coaching sessions for your senior team. Learn about yourself, view challenges in new ways and lead by example.


Embedding skills

Building momentum with accountability, access to learning resources, and regular conversations about what everyone's learning.

You'll see increased client happiness, improved staff retention and radically different behaviour within your teams. As you do, you’ll be wondering how your teams ever delivered client work before. Oh, and you’ll be enjoying your increases in pitch success and client retention rates.

Works with remote and hybrid teams

All elements of our People Skills as a Service® programme have been designed from the ground-up to be delivered remotely for either remote or hybrid teams.

We’re experts at using video conferencing and remote collaboration tools (especially Zoom) to present, facilitate and share.

Whether your teams are distributed or sit in one office, developing everyone’s people skills is within your reach.

“The trainers had true understanding of the challenges we face. The benefits have been many and we thoroughly recommend Team Sterka.”
Vanessa Bruce
Managing Partner at Mindshare
“It’s been really beneficial. I’d recommend Team Sterka to any company looking to transform the way its teams lead and communicate.”
James Leavesley
Managing Director at Torchbox
"It's a wide-ranging programme that tackles real agency problems in a practical way. I'd thoroughly recommend it."
Carly Bonas
Deputy Managing Director at Attacat
“Team Sterka has helped us to reframe how we have conversations. It's a big thumbs up from me and I'd highly recommend it."
Damien Millns
Group CEO at MGA Group
“Team Sterka has created a way of learning I've never seen before. It's incredibly engaging and our team are enjoying it and improving.”
Dan Gent
Director & Founder at Lighthouse
“We've learnt all about ourselves and each other, and established life skills to achieve great outcomes for the business.”
Andy Burton
CEO at Tryzens
“Team Sterka has empowered the team with new skills they are using every day. We've seen great results.”
Zsuzsanna Recsey
CEO at Standing on Giants

You may have a few questions...

Who should enrol on the programme?

Anyone in your business that interacts with clients – business leaders, delivery teams, account managers, sales people etc. Team members that aren’t client-facing can also enrol to improve their internal comms.

How many people should we enrol?

You’ll need 30+ people to get going with a private programme. If you have 5-29 people then you can join the public programme (i.e. with teams from other businesses). We don’t take bookings for <5 people.

What are we committing to?

The time commitment is 2-3 hours per month for everyone. The core programme is 6 months and you can extend to 9 or 12 months. The programme is flexible and you’re free to pause or leave at any time.

What are the programme dates?

Training and coaching run on the same day and time every other week. You can choose your preferred day of the week and start date. For public programmes, we allocate the programme dates.

How do you track programme success?

We track confidence against key learning outcomes with regular surveys. On average, there’s a 47% skills improvement across our cohorts. Our programme is designed to bring about long lasting change.

Can the curriculum be customised?

We adjust all examples and exercises so they’re relevant to your teams’ day-to-day activities. Each module builds on the last one, so large-scale customisation is difficult.

How do you deliver the programme?

We’ve designed everything from the ground-up to be delivered remotely for either remote or hybrid teams. We can make minor adjustments to also deliver sessions in-person.

Do we get access to your frameworks?

We have a number of industry-leading frameworks. During the programme, you get on-demand access to these (plus updates free-of-charge) to help you implement your new skills day-to-day.

Do you do online courses or e-learning?

We don’t, sorry. We’re strong believers in the power of classroom training (delivered IRL or over Zoom) so you can interact and innovate with each other. Peer learning should account for half of what you learn.

Do you do one-off workshops or coaching engagements?

We run one-off workshops which are ideal for your next team day. Our workshops bring your team together for a positive and fun experience.

How much does the programme cost?

Pricing depends on your team size and a couple of other variables. Get in touch and after a quick chat we can give you a quote. Our programmes are up to 60% lower cost than standard industry pricing for training and coaching.

Get in touch

Get in touch with Trenton, our Head Coach

We’d love to hear from you! Let us know what you need and we’ll get right back to you.

People skills ++

Team Sterka will help you supercharge your people skills and emotional intelligence

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    Research‌ ‌carried‌ ‌out‌ ‌by‌ ‌Harvard‌ ‌University,‌ ‌the‌ ‌Carnegie‌ ‌Foundation‌ ‌and‌ Stanford‌ ‌Research‌ ‌Center‌ ‌found‌ ‌that‌ ‌85%‌ ‌of‌ ‌job‌ ‌success‌ ‌comes‌ ‌from‌ ‌having‌ well‐developed‌ ‌people‌ ‌skills.‌