Trenton Moss

By Trenton Moss

Different people like to learn in different ways. 

At Team Sterka, we aim to provide a truly inclusive learning experience. For us, this means making sure that we cover a wide range of learning styles so that, however you prefer to learn, we provide an enriching learning experience.

Adult learning

Unlike children, adults have already developed experiences of the world and formed individual habits and beliefs. These previous experiences can serve as a solid foundation for learning but can also be a hindrance as changing preconceptions can be challenging.

The difference in stage of life also makes a difference. Whereas children’s learning is mostly theoretical, adults need to find practical application for their learning and fit it into their routine. For this to be effective, learning needs to align to the day-to-day realities of each individual. 

Adults are dealing with competing priorities – we all have a lot going on, right? For learning to be effective adults need to understand why they should learn something and what benefit it will provide them in order to be suitably motivated.

For learning to be effective it needs to align to the day-to-day realities of each individual

Practical application of learning

We’re firm believers that the best way to learn is to do. Our learning process follows David Kolb’s experiential learning theory – teach, reflect, conclude, apply.

We do this in the following way:

  1. We run a training session focussed on one learning outcome from our curriculum
  2. Teams work in small ‘accountability groups’ to discuss the concepts and how they might apply them in their roles
  3. People are given time to think about the concepts with handouts and video reminders
  4. We set a challenge to apply the techniques and accountability groups work together to make this happen.

This is effective, practical learning that can be put into use immediately and work with individuals’ day-to-day priorities. We also provide a shared chat platform for people to share the impact of their new skills. This helps maintain motivation and engagement throughout the duration of the programme.

However you prefer to learn, you’ll get an enjoyable experience from a Team Sterka programme

Making learning work for everyone

To make sure we’re providing a spectrum of learning opportunities, we follow the VARK model. This means that we take into consideration the following learning styles when designing our courses:

  • Visual (spacial) learners, who learn best by seeing
  • Auditory (aural) learners, who learn best by hearing
  • Reading/writing learners, who learn best by reading and writing
  • Kinesthetic (physical) learners, who learn best by moving and doing

We use a variety of exercises and mediums, including (among others) listening, watching, demonstrations, visualisations, group discussion, 121 conversation, role play, written exercises, drawing, video and presentation. Where possible, we also provide a choice of learning methods – for example, not everyone is comfortable with role play situations, so we would offer the option of a discussion instead.  

This combination of techniques provides a richer learning experience and means that, however you prefer to learn, you’ll get an enjoyable experience from a Team Sterka programme.

Photos by Christina @ and Dan Dimmock on Unsplash

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    Research‌ ‌carried‌ ‌out‌ ‌by‌ ‌Harvard‌ ‌University,‌ ‌the‌ ‌Carnegie‌ ‌Foundation‌ ‌and‌ Stanford‌ ‌Research‌ ‌Center‌ ‌found‌ ‌that‌ ‌85%‌ ‌of‌ ‌job‌ ‌success‌ ‌comes‌ ‌from‌ ‌having‌ well‐developed‌ ‌soft‌ ‌and‌ ‌people‌ ‌skills.‌