How do you grow while continuously strengthening your culture and developing antibodies to incompatible working styles?
Steven Writer-Maguire is Director at the consultancy Clarasys. He joined the firm 8 years ago and has overseen growth from 40 to over 200 people in London and Boston.
In this episode, Steven shares how he:
- Rapidly transitioned away from a traditional hierarchical consultancy mindset to one of trust and enablement
- Set up a Team of Teams model where multi-disciplinary teams make decisions and collectively solve client problems by themselves
- Uses their monthly F**k Up Challenge so everyone can safely share mistakes and learnings
- Encourages people to act as business owners and make their own decisions about what’s best for the company
- Puts everyone through their internal course, Clarasys Code, so they all learn about emotional intelligence and neuroscience
- Created the Clarasys Triangle (featuring People, Business and Clients) to guide their decision-making
Steven passionately shares his ‘why’: To build the best firm their people will ever work for. As a result, their culture gets stronger the larger they grow.